The original all weather pointing compound that;
- Can be used in virtually all weathers, so no going back to finish a job with all the disruption and extra cost that ensues. EASYJoint is an all year round product
- Brushes and washes in, making it at least 10 times faster and easier in use than mortar jointing
- No voids – all nooks and crannies filled easily & quickly via the washing in process
- No staining or ‘framing’
- Environmentally friendly – cement-free and resin-free
- No waste – once a tub is opened, unused product can be saved for future use
- EASYJoint brushes & washes in, resulting in a very strong joint with adhesion to all surfaces and the base
- Indefinite shelf-life – the product will not “go-off” as long as the internal bag remains intact
- Requires no kneeling and less bending – kinder to your back and knees
- Water permeable
- Up to 3 tonnes loading capacity
- Well proven throughout Northern Europe over several years